Call Mita:  (541) 663-4210

December 2017

The Attitude of Gratitude

"We can only be said to be truly alive in those

moments when our hearts are conscious of

our treasures." ~THORNTON WILDER

When life gets hectic and you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on the people and things you are grateful for in life. When you are grateful, other things like stress and anxiety can fall by the wayside. For example, you probably won’t be able to feel angry and grateful at the same time. You might even be thankful for someone else’s success or their contribution to you. Being appreciative and thankful gives you perspective on your situation and brings you to the present moment.  Being in the present moment helps us to be more at peace.

One of the most impressive reasons for being grateful is the positive impact on the way you think and feel. Research shows that grateful people have, “higher reported levels of the positive states of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness and energy . Not only that - there are actual chemical reactions in the body that help us to be healthier and happier like the release of those feel good chemicals serotonin and dopamine.  The release of those feel good chemicals helps to balance hormones in general and lower toxic levels of cortisol.  Toxic levels of cortisol is the culprit for weight gain and a myriad of other health issues.

You will find a positive emotional state by simply focusing on the parts of your life that you are most thankful for. Appreciate the abundance in your life. There is always something to be grateful for. Being grateful is an energizing way to start your day and a relaxing way to end it.  List out all the things you are grateful for as you warm up for your morning exercise Or at the end of the day write down your Ah ha's in a journal.

Feeling gratitude is an important practice that I incorporate in my  my daily routine each morning. I notice that it always improves my emotional well-being and general happiness. Try it out if you aren't already.  Give it a week and just notice the changes. 


name a person you are grateful for

name a thing you are grateful for

name a life event or situation you are grateful for

name a place you are grateful for

name a teacher or a lesson in life that you are grateful for

Have fun and use your creative imagination! :-)