Personal Growth and Self Development

Personal growth and self-development are arguably some of the most important activities you can do. Rather than perceiving this as a selfish act, working on yourself to become a better person benefits those around you, as well as those in your community and workplace making you more world minded.

Your life is now – made up of a series of moments. Live intentionally in the present moment and you’ll begin to experience the joy and happiness you seek.  Actively participating in your personal growth with intention is the most powerful thing you can do to allow yourself to really learn how to be living in the moment.

Personal growth and development provides us with both the incentive and the means to become the best possible version of ourselves. Ironic as it seems, personal growth expands our frame of reference to include the people around us instead of becoming more self-centered. As our world expands, so does our awareness of the possibilities and opportunities around us. This possibility mindset fills us with an attitude of eager anticipation as we start each new day.

​What is The Process of Personal Growth and Development?

Every person is a unique individual and because of this, a universal strategy for personal growth and development cannot exist.

Each pathway towards personal growth and development is a personalized journey. It is up to the individual to figure out which pathway is theirs and where it leads. There is, however, as set of questions that can help guide you towards your own path…

1. What is your current state?
Evaluate your strengths and where you are not as strong and see if there are opportunities to grow as well as develop healthier behaviors  and release behaviors that may be holding you back from your highest potential.

2. What is your desired state?
Examine what it is you hope to improve about yourself and why is it important for you to improve those characteristics.

3. Ask yourself, "How do I get there? What do I need?"
Determine what knowledge and experiences need to happen in order for you get closer to your desired self and your best life.  Find resources that are useful towards achieving this desired state. Watch for synchronicities - people and opportunities coming into your awareness and your life that can support your growth in a powerful and positive way.

4. What is a plausible timeline?
Make a list of activities and events you hope to experience within a set amount of time. Use them as checkpoints that lead towards your goal.  Be flexible and open and that makes it easier to recognize the opportunities that life is trying to bring .    

Remember personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.  Most importantly have fun with it.  Let it be an opportunity to experience the joy and happiness that is here for you. 

You are your best investment.  Don't be afraid to invest money  and time to better yourself.

After all, you take you with you wherever you go.  Whether you are growing greater at your strengths, reducing your liabilities, or expanding what you are capable of, personal development is a path.

It’s a path of personal greatness, and a way to be YOUR best.

​Knowing others is  intelligence.

Knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength.

Mastering yourself is true power.

                                            -Lao Tzu


​​January 2018

Call Mita:  (541) 663-4210