Call Mita:  (541) 663-4210

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Best 2 Your Life products are not intended as a substitute for medical treatment. They are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease or condition.  Be sure to consult with your physician regarding health concerns.  These products are not meant to be used in place of therapeutic treatment however they can complement any protocol or practice you are currently on .

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White Light Healing - QS

This hypnotic process teaches you to focus your powerful mind to connect your attention with your lungs and support your healing process as you become a clean air breather.  Learn to work with your own healing energy.  (23 min.) $14.95

Free From Smoking- QS

This deeply relaxing hypnotic process takes you on a journey to break free from the cigarettes once and for all.  There are positive suggestions to make healthy choices, drink water and eat healthy foods as well.  (28 min.) $14.95